Client: Crow Tribe of Indians through He3Labs
Art Director: Jayson Shenk
Design: Jayson Shenk
Icons & Illustration: Jayson Shenk, stock
Photography: Client supplied
UI design for He3Labs for the Crow Tribe of Native Americans. This app was a proof of concept for managing identity, land registration, digital currency and voting via the blockchain. The final app was demonstrated to citizens of the Crow Nation and their leadership at Crow Fair 2018.
The app has for main functions: Identity management, land management, voting, and as a wallet to manage cryptocurrency.

The earliest iteration of the digital sovereignty project for the Crow began life as a reskin of the XEM wallet app by the NEM Foundation. This was created as a comp and demo for for the first pitch in the negotiations to secure the digital sovereignty project for my client.

Intermediate UI comp for the second round of negotiations, demonstrating the four fundamental parts of the package. The imagery I developed with feedback from representatives from the Crow would be used in the final product.